Friday, February 24, 2017


whether you are into football, or as the Americans called soccer, you ought to be familiar with the term "goalkeeper" and his/her role in the game. if you don't, either you are too young to be walking or too dumb to be reading this.. lol. anyway, assuming you know the roles of a goalkeeper in football games, i am going to relate the responsibilities and actions of a goalkeeper to our every life.

let's talk goalkeeper first. every fan would expect their team's goalkeeper to save shots and keep balls out of the net. every fan would expect their team's goalkeeper to make decisive actions like punching the ball to clearance or kicking it away or challenging an on-coming striker.. all to keep the ball out. fantastic saves are usually admired and appreciated for a couple of minutes, or in more crucial scenarios for days. however, when a goalkeeper fumbles and makes a silly mistake, the world will remember him for the rest of time. mockery and insults would be hurled now and then despite time of incident in history.

just like the goalkeeper, we are living everyday with such constant scrutiny. whenever are do a good deed and achieve great stuff, you will be remembered for a while most of the time. people would congratulate you or praise you now and then. however, when you screw up, people switch sides instantaneously and judged you based on that one mishap. taking a slightly extreme case for example, imagine a well-mannered man who has done tons of good deeds and help countless souls but one desperate moment resulted him to commit a crime. in everyone's eyes, he is a bad man. no amount of past deeds can pay for his one time mistake.

fair or unfair? that i will not answer but i will leave you with these thoughts. remember that everyone is always fighting battles of their own. while bad things they done might be glaring at you, at times think about the person as a whole. don't be too quick to judge.. take time to understand the situation or better, the person.

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