Monday, May 18, 2015

look of distaste

this happened to me a couple of weeks ago in school. i ran into a good friend of mine who tend to talk pretty loud whenever he is happy and excited. his laugh is kind of unique too. it is some kind that you can recognise even from quite a distance away even without turning to look who is laughing. so yeah, there we were chatting happily about the modules we were taking and what not. school stuff.. so to speak. we were in a crowded environment, just outside the examination halls where everyone was anxiously waiting to enter and conquer another paper. somehow or rather, a group of insensitive students couple of metres away from us turned to look at my dear friend with a disgusted look. 

i never really take notice how unique my friend’s voice and laughter were until that moment. no, they still did not disturb me. what disturbed me was the fact that some of the people turning to him had their faces cover with a look of scorn and disgust. to that group of people, shame on you.

it is really sad how society can judge you instantly with simple actions.. even if such actions aren’t exactly harmful. you see, whatever we were chatting was a common chat topic among students. furthermore, his voice and laughter weren’t exactly loud comparative to the surrounding at that time. why would people still look at him with those looks of distaste? any non-idiot will now why they did so. nonetheless, if you know me well, i can be rather protective when it comes to friends and family members. though i did not confront them, i was just really angry and sad at their reactions.

come on, we have friends from all walks of life with different personalities and what not. shouldn’t one be accepting and not be easily disturbed by something that you might personally deem it as not so normal? well, i prefer to see such qualities as unique to individuals. how would you like the general public to pick out something unique about you and make fun of it? yeah, all of us have flaws but embrace them.. not show distaste. showing distaste is just toxic.

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