Tuesday, March 20, 2018

small light

yes this is an update of my life.

recently, i have been really down and dejected. at times i feel like everything that is happening is go against me or out to hit me right in the face. each time i try to stand up, i will be hit down again. it feels more difficult to stand up each time as each hit on me is harder. in times like these, no one can really help you. as much as you wished someone could, they cannot. it is up to oneself to struggle and pick oneself up.

well, that said.. after seeing many days of darkness, i am beginning to see a small light in front. i found my little positivity and optimism to push myself up and on. i am glad that i am able to do so. i am glad of certain things and people that happen to be around me. yeah, while none can directly help me, their presence was sufficient. this reminds me of the quote in Harry Potter series.

well, that is it. quotes can be lame when read out of context and what not. on the flipside, they can be a timely reminder. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

4th of 4th

yes this is an update of my life.

hmm, a timtes i really wonder if i am currently juggling too many things at once. would i be better off if i let go of one or more of those things i am juggling? well, i have been juggling these few things for quite a while now so i might be cloud by the routine and what not. nonetheless, for now i think i am just going to stick to that routine. so long it still works, there isn't a problem right?

a thing that has been bothering me is the fact that my graduation ceremony clashes with my reservist date. let's focus on the graduation for now. i really want to go. my parents would love to see me be on stage as well. however, that would be costs from the stuff needed for the ceremony alongside with the hassle. i get to celebrate the occasion with my peers. now, move the focus to my reservist. i cannot possible defer the reservist. i have to clear my IPPT. i get to do reservists alongside my peers as well. you see, i am so very stuck.. sandwiched. the only good thing that could happen right now is the school said that the ceremony is on that Thursday evening. then and only then, i stand a chance to turn up. argh.. so infuriating.

on to the FYP right now haha. finally finalised the presentation date. yeah it will be on the 4th of April. thereafter i will be literally 95% done with FYP. though i really wonder what my examiner will ask during my Q&A. until next time then, cheers.