Tuesday, July 8, 2014


yes, this is an update on my life.

so things are starting to get busy these days. got into Raffles Hall for the first year of study in NUS which is good.. i need not worry about traveling to and fro home and NUS for at least the next 12 months. yeah to waking minutes before lessons and what not. so anyway that s not the point. i recently started going down there to help out with some RAG preparations which will take place on the 6th of August.. if i did not remember wrongly. so anyway, been painting and decorating and creating props and what not. meeting new friends and learning new things. rather good start i would say. hope for of such things come by in the next few weeks or so.

the bad side? waking up early and packing myself like a sardine as i make way to NUS RH. each time, the journey takes about 2 hours. also, leaving halfway because i have lessons to teach back in the east of Singapore. ohh wells, just doing what i can.

those things aside, NUS admin stuff is streaming in. bank loan stuff, camp stuff, hostel preparations, course preparation.. and stupid QET. really hope all go smoothly with minimal or no obstacles. really thankful to those friends that help me along the way.. be it with simple explanation to favours. i really appreciate them. my family has been supportive too.. so yeah me. i'm blessed.

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