Tuesday, July 15, 2014

during difficult times

well, we all face such times. difficult times, of course, from the title. yes, we have them once in a while for whatever silly or unforeseen reasons. nonetheless, what i have always learned from these times, besides self-discovery, is that we should be mindful of the three groups of people.

1) people who put you into those difficult times
2) people who helped you through those difficult times
3) people who are there with you until difficult times

people from the first group should be taken note not for revenge. yes, let me be clear.. revenge is a vicious cycle so nope. so what's the point of taking note then? well, taking note of them will benefit you in the long run. now you know those are the people that can't be trusted at all. from simple favors to hanging out, it will never be worth it to look for them. sounds a little harsh but personally, i probably would give them one or couple of chances before cutting loose. everyone deserves a chance at minimum.. so yeah.

people form the second group should be taken seriously and treasured. they are friends to be kept for life. on top of that, remember to stand-by them in times they are in a similar situation with you when they helped you. such people are rare so yeah do treasure them and embrace them.

people from the third group should be noted but not harshly marked or what. they are still your dear friends but probably now you know that you can't really rely on them too much in the future. personally, i would maintain our relationship, improve it if possible.

so yeah, those are my personal point of view. i bet everyone has his/her individual take on such a subject so it is up to you at the end of the day.


  1. Hi, I read blogs regularly and I think some of your posts are quite insightful. :) I just have a curious question to ask.

    Let's say you have a bunch of good friends in the second and third category. So right, they are good to you. Does it matter if they are in the first category to other people? Do you take note when your good friends do things that say, harm others? Will you talk to them, or maybe even advice them and will they listen or they prefer you not talk to them about it? Just wondering how guys handle this part.

    hope you'll reply. :)

  2. hello, glad you like them. :) pertaining to your questions, personally it would not bother me immediately if a friend is the first category to others. however, if i were to know of a good friend who has hurt the others, definitely i would advise. whether they are willing to listen, it's their decision. i guess that is a role as a friend to that person. whatever happens thereafter will boil down the person himself/herself. if they prefer me to not say anything i will respect their decision.

    well, that's my personal opinion. i do not speak on behalf of guys or any other groups.

  3. Hey, thanks for replying. :) I thought you wouldn't read comments haha! well, I don't take note of comments on my dashboard. lol.

    Btw, what course are you studying at Nus? :) And I just wanna say that it's such a joy to read a guy's blog! Not many guys have blogs nowadays. :( especially guys that are of our age.

  4. no problem. :) i only do that occasionally since i seldom get comments just readers. my primary major will be Statistics. thanks for your compliment and yeah not many actually blog nowadays.

  5. I see, cool. hope school will be fun for you. :) was thinking if we could be friends here, just on your blog or through e-mail. you okay with it? :) it's alright if you don't want to. haha

  6. thanks haha.. sure thing no problem.. my email is zapproidvinal@gmail.com
