Thursday, October 17, 2013

the power within

hello people, before i carry on talking about what i've been doing in past couple of days just take four minutes of your time to listen to this sentimental song.

okay, how did you find it? the reason why i ask you to listen to it first before carry on reading is because of one thing.

some of you might know this band or heard of their existence due to playing "Guitar Hero" or whatsoever. however, i'm sure many of you might not. well, let me drop the bomb to those who don't know them. DragonForce is a band that specialize in playing songs with the following genre.. power metal, heavy metal, speed metal.

unexpected? i'm sure some of you might be. well that is the reason. if i were to say they are metal band, i'm sure many would just ignore. haha.. never judge a metal band, my friends.

anyway, i brought this up because i've been spamming pieces from DragonForce the last couple of days. from just listening to the songs to watching there music videos and live performances. yeah another metal band that i like. the above piece actually has another version but it is power metal. so i shan't post here, in interest of most of the readers, but to those interested can go find on YouTube.

music aside, i finally had my stitches from my mouth from the last wisdom teeth surgery. as 'practice', i too had McDonald's right after that to enjoy chewing the food i like without worrying about anything in my mouth. ohh the freedom and sweet victory. so, all four wisdom teeth out.. there goes my wisdom. yeah please.. somehow i read somewhere scientists believe they are a hindrance to one's physical limits and capabilities. that is why most athletes have their wisdom teeth removed as well. hmm let's hope i can run further and become stronger.

who am i kidding? i need to get back to exercise before aiming for that goal. MC for one week but never exercise for more than one week. so guilty. time to start training, be it in camp or out of camp, from tomorrow onwards.

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