Sunday, June 30, 2019

halftime 2019

yes this is an update of my life.

a sudden realisation hit me earlier today.. we are literally halfway through 2019. what have you accomplished so far this year?

ever since days in NUS, i really cannot comprehend how time fly by year after year. each year i will tell myself to keep a mental note that time will fly but each year i will always be taken by surprised by how fast time really is. regardless, the only good thing i can take away is that i don't feel like i wasted the time that has passed. this gut feeling probably will serve as a good indicator of whether i am making use of each day given to me.

so what have i accomplished? right after each surprise, i will have that question in my head. don't worry.. i'm not going to highlight those here because those are for my own mental note (and probably no wanting to leak any shortcomings in the process.. haha). but yeah, halftime check.

for me, as i look to the next 6 months, there is so much more to anticipate. of which, i have highlighted some in the previous post. may we all continue to scale to greater heights as time continues to zoom by. until next time then, cheers.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

8 years too long

yes this is an update of my life.

back to office after being away on in-camp training (ICT) this week. first week back and i was playing catch-up for almost the entire week. am excited to be working on few new avenues of my career as well.

one, new statistical method and project. learning never ends. i intend to always keep doing so as long as i am below 50. that's is why i am my plan to take on Masters really soon. apart from that, i am grateful my company has given me the opportunity to learn from my other colleagues on a new channel of dealing with a special "breed" of projects. tons of reading and applying. the slope is steep but that pinch of challenge is always something i adore.

two, cross-office visit. on track to be part of some exchange programme that has been set up recently in my company.. which means i get to travel to the UK (hopefully) really soon. if this were to really come true, i am really excited to meet in person with those people whom i have been working through Skype only. i am also excited to be able to travel to some place new.

third, pro-bono initiative. the first ever pro-bono initiative ended yesterday with blood donation with few of my colleagues. it has been a long 8 years since i last donated blood. the staff was questioning me why it took me so long to go back.. well, his guilt trip struck a chord.. haha. i am impressed with how painless the process was. i remembered being a little uncomfortable 8 years ago. who knows.. maybe tons of things have improved and i am now motivated to donate as often as my body is able to.

well then yet another weekend to catch up with my personal time and recharge before taking on another week that would seem to be challenging. until next time then, cheers.