Thursday, October 10, 2013

yet another two bones are gone

after this morning's visit to CGH, i finally had the last two of my wisdom teeth removed. left side this time. hello to 5 days of MC and at least two days of occasional pain and not being able to eat the food i like. ohh well, shall catch up with my shows and movies throughout this long break.

with that aside, i've been spam playing pieces by Lindsey Stirling since i got back from surgery. i don't know what to say about her other than she is so damn talented. i have fallen in love with like more them half of the songs in her album. point to note, normally i only love way less than half in any album.. yeah somehow it works that way. you all should listen as well. if you want sneak preview of her talent, refer to my previous post.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

brain dead

hello October. two more months left to go before NS untie me from the chains.

anyway, boring military life aside, it is somewhat towards the end of the year already. closer to ORD also means i need to prepare for whatever i want to do at least from new year to start of life in NUS. now the MOE internship and PSC scholarship registration are opened, meaning i have to start getting busy with the applications of both. or so that was what i thought this morning. i started the MOE internship application and submitted it with the rough 200-words essay as well. then something hit me. having not writing essay based on a given topic for so long, it was pretty tough, in terms of the duration spent, for me to get it up. i was appalled by my dead brain. guess i have something more to work on.

most likely will be taking Applied Mathematics in NUS when i start next year, so that goes without saying that i ought to start sharpening my Math skills starting from upper secondary topics to JC ones. on top of that, my English was pretty poor and i have to take some essay test next year. better start reading and learning to write well i guess. the PSC scholarship also requires me to write a 500-words essay. so going to get my writing skills back. not skillful to begin with, but at least i want it to be acceptable.