Saturday, September 15, 2018


yes this is an update of my life.

midway through September.. probably about a quarter through the peak period of my work. still stressed but slightly less stressful this past week i guess. nonetheless, there were still tasks and coding that were really time sensitive. one thing i know about myself is when it comes to time-challenged tasks i get very eager. well, some levels of eagerness is good i guess but things will be going downhill if it becomes anxiety.

this is the main reason why i always aim to leave home earlier. my mind will not be functioning well enough to do efficient work, which includes coding as well. i rather be in earlier to clear work than to stay later to do so.. i will definitely take an hour to clear a 20-minute task if i stay past 6pm or so. different people work very differently. so far so good i guess.. i consider my self rather efficient considering the fact that more than half the time i get to clear more things that i aim. no, i am not aiming low since at times i have to wait up for other people to clear or catch up before i can actually move on.

motivation is a very strong thing. i figure i get to do all these as i am still in love with my job. may this continue for a long time.

but yes it has its challenges. this week i had to crash course and pick up new stuff in SAS. while learning, i have apply on a big project. no one to hold your hand in the outside world so yes am swimming through tons of Google searches and what not. well, so long it works and helps. online assistance for SAS isn't aplenty as well.. since the software isn't exactly free.

work aside, i am trying to sort out some family stuff (no, nothing serious, no worries, just some supplementary stuff related to them) before moving on to my next aim.. searching for a motorbike. until next time then, cheers.

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