Sunday, July 14, 2019

destination UK

yes this is an update of my life.

well, would like to share the good news first and if you followed previous posts you would have guessed it from the title of this post. my application to the exchange program at work has been approved and i will be heading to the UK in a couple of months' time.. how exciting! never been there before so it will be even a better experience. moreover, this is the first time ever where i will travel on my own.. this is going to be fun.

back to more immediate updates. finally got started on settling the accommodations for the August trip. not done yet but at least a start. going to stay in the hostels which means money saved with (probably) a more real experience with people of different walks of life. time to keep my eyes peeled on the exchange rate these few days as well.

this weekend has been a real good one.. probably partly due to the fact that my second job of being a private tutor got a reduced time this weekend, allowing me to have more me-time and rest. trip accommodations done (somewhat), plenty of sleep, long walks around the neighbourhood with neighbourhood friends, catching up on movies. ready for a new week. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

1-month countdown

yes this is an update of my life.

weekends are too short. i want more personal time for enjoyment and sleep. two days is kind of tricky. on one hand, i want to sleep more. on the other, i think if i sleep too much in the short weekend, i will be wasting it. ohh wells, the vicious internal debate i have every weekend.

nonetheless, into the second half of the year. while there are fewer public holidays, there are more things to look forward to in the second half of 2019. the first one is something coming up in a month's time. trip to Sydney. itinerary more or less planned out.. just left with the accommodation bookings. yeah kind of little late but hoping to get them all done this week.

cannot wait for the trip. new country and new activity to look forward to. until next time then, cheers.