Saturday, June 30, 2018

truth potato #18

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

this edition of Truth Potato taken from the Bored Panda website is somewhat relatable to something close to heart. relationships. i value relationships a lot and tend to take them more seriously as compared to most people. that was pointed out by one of my close friends before as well.

being so comes at a cost at times. holding on to people who are tying you down.. so at times i end up caring about the wrong issues and people. nonetheless, those times are over i guess as i find myself more picky when it comes to who i should keep close to heart. this is a timely reminder as well.. hopefully it is to some of you.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

truth potato #17

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

yeah, if you have been following or are observant i actually skipped a couple of entries from Truth Potato.. this is due to the fact that some messages are somewhat vulgar. so yes, we move to #17 from the Bored Panda website.

more than just thoughts i think words hold the same weight as well. like if you have the intention or said you have the plan to do something, it doesn't really count or matter much until actions are carried out. people are more impressed with actions rather than thoughts and words. go beyond the "no action, talk only" to really create an impact.

Monday, June 25, 2018

truth potato #14

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

in this edition of Truth Potato taken from the Bored Panda website, the quote reminds us not to expect too much, or in fact even anything, in return. doing 3 good deeds would not equate to getting 3 favours done for you. being nice makes your life and others' life better.. don't expect anything in return.. if you want to be nice just be nice, that's it.

this is kind of useful to remind ignorant people and those who have a very false sense of self-entitlement. the world owes you nothing.. regardless of who you are or even how rich/famous you are. anything with less expectations would prevent necessary unhappiness as well.. so why not try adopting this idea.