Sunday, July 30, 2017

legendary hype

yes this is an update of my life.

while many of my peers are done with internship, i still have two more weeks. i think it is amusing though.. how things work out to comfort me on the fact that i will not have a week of rest before school starts. having the need to head to work means i have to wander around. as i am wandering around i get to catch some legendary Pokemon as well.. haha. the line up of them is coincidentally the last few weeks of summer before school starts anyway.

so yeah.. additional motivation to head to work. without work i will opt to stay home more days then i head out to prevent excessive spending on food cravings and what not. ohh, the things i tell myself to comfort myself.

weeks ago, at the start of July, i had the notion that by the end of this month, the usual mundane need to bid for modules will begin as well. never did i expect that time will pass so fast and CORS bidding rounds have began on Friday with Round 0. well, it is so surreal to see the FYP module being allocated to me. i am entering year 4, though still young enough to find fun in Pokemon games. no, not childish.. i don't rage quit or throw tantrums if i fail at achieving something from the game.. haha.

yeah, well i think this legendary hype is good to force strangers to have fun together. strangers of all ages. moving away from Pokemon and back to CORS, i find myself not being able to allocate more time to explore my module options this time. partly because i prefer to sloth away on weekends rather than touch anything related to school. ohh wells, may the transition into the start of my final year be smooth.

this transition includes moving back to campus as well. will be moving in soon next weekend. ohh my.. so fast. then i get to stay in school and travel to work from there for a week. yeah to extra 90 minutes of sleep. until next time then, cheers.