Monday, February 27, 2017

professional critics

yes this is an update of life.

going to be a short on because i am about to watch this year's Oscars show and i do not want to sleep too late. just wanted to highlight a little about the movie i watched last night. the film was "Collateral Beauty" starring Will Smith as the lead actor.

this film re-assured my standpoint of trusting fans' critics websites like IMDB over professional critics like Rotten Tomatoes and what not. apparently this film was rated really poorly in the eyes of professionals but by movie goers.. 6.6 out of 10. so i decided to gamble a little and watch for myself. behold i made the good gamble. the film was awesome.. certainly undeserving of the poor reviews portrayed by some professional critics. IMDB ratings are slightly closer to me standard of movies personally i guess. will review on that film real soon but in the meantime, yeah worth watching. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

an odd dream

yes this is an update of my life.

the recess break is almost over. i guess i have had a good break from the mad busy life of year 3 semester 2. got sufficient time to catch up on knowledge gaps and enjoy my shows and rest time all at the same time. i think this feat was possible due to the fact that i have three tests that are well spread out over week 7 and week 8. the first one will be on Tuesday.. thankfully the content is manageable. the next one is on Saturday.. gosh i hate the day though lol. this one not really a midterm.. just quiz i guess around 10%.. comparatively less weightage than a typical midterm. the third and last one is on Monday of Week 8.. also the craziest one. haven't really start on serious revision on that module but i guess i have seriously start revising after Tuesday's paper. that paper, based on the past modules the professor taught, will for sure be really tough so i don't know.. studying for the sake of being screwed less i guess.

boring school life aside, i am here to talk about something that happened during my last night's sleep. yes, an odd dream. dreams are always sketchy yet the feelings we feel when experiencing them seem to stick at least for a day. furthermore, this time i have to say it out because i am confused about my own thoughts.. lol.

however, some background information is needed prior to me narrating the dream. so i am single since middle of last year.. and due to the amount of efforts and feelings placed into that relationship, moving on and getting over it has been really really really hurtful and difficult. yes, my grammar is right.. "has been".. because i'm pretty sure i am not 100% alright yet. i am still in a state where i don't know what my heart wants or feels.. confused state so to speak. rewind way way back to days in school when i was expected to wear uniform.. i had this crush of this girl (let's call her Z). things kicked off well with us texting and confiding to each other very often. however, things turned ugly between one of her possessive friends and me.. so our frequent conversations phased out. then that was it.. besides occasional well wishes during birthdays and new year, we hardly talk at all. now and then, i wonder how things would have been if not for that incident.

so on to the dream, i remember it starting off queuing up unwillingly for some exhibition with fatbro. then i saw Z with her family as well. i only met her family once and she did not have a brother. nonetheless, i still saw her family in the dream with a brother lol. dreams. so anyway, she seemed reluctant to queue as well. so when we saw each other we somehow began to talk like close friends and about how we hope to be not go for the exhibition. so after some thoughts and convincing we decided to hang out elsewhere.. yeah just the two of us. the rest of the dream felt as though i was in cloud 9 as she took me hand brought me around. remembered having a great time just hanging out and then i woke up somehow while eating.. lol. i felt happy and warm in short. so when i woke up, i was confused as to what my sub-concious is hinting to me.

well, one thing i was sure as hell.. i am not ready to move on when it comes to romance but well that dream happened. ohh wells, maybe just a silly dream. until next time then, cheers.