Thursday, December 29, 2016

last broken promise

yes this is an update of my life.

i rarely watch movies in cinemas. even if i do, i usually watch around once per month. so this month is one of those super rare months where i actually watch two movies over the span of 31 days. shall review a little on the both of them.

the first movie i watched this month was "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them". i am a small fan of the Harry Potter universe so my review might be slightly bias. overall, the movie is a really good one. personally, i did not read the book so i had to strain my ears and pay close attention to details. i felt that the introduction of the movie could have been better.. you know those newspaper clippings and short scene highlighting the great villain. otherwise, the plot is good with nice humour in between. little easter eggs here and there. if i had the chance, i would probably watch it again. definitely worth watching.

the next movie i watched was "Assassin's Creed". i have never ever played the game before so i went in to watch almost clueless about the plot. i felt that the storyline's good though there are quite a few parts where the pace was too slow or awkward. action wise i think this movie managed to entertain me with the fight scenes and cool actions or stunts. like i said, i never played the game before, so i am not sure how good the adaption is but for a first-timer to this, i would say i am impressed by the story.

moving on, i have to break one last promise of 2016. kind of said i would post my journal of Taiwan trip before 2017 hits us but i guess i shall post first thing in 2017. don't want to rush through it and what not. currently busy with planning timetable and bidding. those same old shit again. until next time then, cheers.

Monday, December 26, 2016

extra fries

yes this is an update of my life.

my progress with the journal about my trip to Taiwan is making progress.. but slow progress. only about halfway through only. i thought my holidays could be more productive than this but ohh wells, it is okay.. forgivable since it is the winter break anyway. winter break is so short that by the time one caught his breath from the burn resulted from the past semester, the next semester is about to begin.

so what else have i been up to besides churning that journal up? well, couple of things actually. in fact, i sort of juggle all at once, thinking that i am much better at multi-tasking than i actually am.

new clothes. for one, i have been updating my wardrobe. for new things to come, old must go. i have got rid close to 10 tops and got some new ones along the way. net loss though. i think i bought only 3 new tops so far and i doubt i will be adding more to that number unless i come across the football jersey that i want.

cover letter. next, after much thought and a little procrastination, i decide to try out for a research analysis position. came across the details from an old friend. so thankful for her. fingers crossed.. i have just submitted my resume alongside with my cover letter and still waiting for a reply. part-time though. for full-time one during the summer break, i am still waiting for a reply in the civil sector.. one that i did not make the cut last year but did so this year in terms of CAP.

emulator. got an awesome emulator on my macbook as well and ended up playing old nostalgia games back when my PSP is working fine. am on Dynasty Warriors 2 now. not addicted to it for now and hopefully not ever. this ought to be a past time.

friends. last but definitely not the least, i have been making efforts to keep up with friends i hold close to heart. while organising big meetings in groups is a distant history of mine due to the fact that there exist irritating unresponsive "friends", i still find those that bother to do the same as i.

one slight good news is that i have slimmed down a little during the winter break. i grow fat during semester but slim during holidays. amazing. probably since i have been exercising during the holidays also. during semester, my ass is lazy when it comes to diligent runs or jogs. as such, i have come up with a good motto. "Exercise For Extra Fries". haha.. gosh i need help. until next time then, cheers.