Sunday, December 4, 2016

a choice

for fools who think that love is always a feeling. yes, love is a driving feeling initially but as time passes, the feeling is the least important aspect of love.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

one revolution

yes this is an update of my life.

time flies. in less than a month's time we will be ushering the year 2017. it is really scary to see how time really pass us by like this. it felt that it was just a few weeks ago when i welcomed the arrival of 2016 and celebrated the lunar new year. speaking of the latter, the realisation that the coming lunar new year will be the year of the rooster scares me even more. my zodiac sign.. meaning i will be hitting the age of 24 real soon. gosh, that's old.

rewind back 12 years ago during the previous year of the rooster i felt as though i grew up.. thinking that living through my zodiac year means i am somewhat not young. hell no.. those naive thoughts. now going to 24 i think time is passing too fast and i'm getting older too fast. yeah there might be many people who find 24 probably young but well you get the idea of aging faster than you hope to age. well, such times remind us to treasure every single day of your lives. study too much or work too much might just kill the idea of living. facing a device will not boost your terms of living.. relationships and interactions do. however, these do not count if you are doing through a device.. what i mean is real life socialising. until next time then, cheers.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

winter is here

yes this is an update of my life.

walked out of this morning's last paper with really mixed feelings. i am happy that finals are over, that yet another semester. i am sad that my memory failed me during the paper. there were so many mistakes that were suppose to not exist. guess that's that now anyway.. can't really do anything about it. i just hope in the end my CAP stays are where it is as of now.

that aside, holidays are here. winter break is a short break but it is something i will not give up anyway. a break is still a break. catching up on sleep has been dealt with a little this afternoon. now it is time just kick back and relax. got to move out of campus residence tomorrow evening then off to prepare for the long awaited holiday trip. i wish everyone to have a great winter break as well. until next time then, cheers.