Saturday, March 5, 2016

little break

yes this is an update of my life.

finally, the most stressful week of the semester so far has ended. was so mentally drained and physically tired after reaching home yesterday. waking up this morning was pretty awesome too for i have assigned this weekend as a little break after the midterms before the semester madness continues again.

it is a never-ending work. midterms then assignments and project. not much time to rest but i will rest well this weekend. press on people. until next time then, cheers.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

not most patriotic

just wanted to share this with you all. i'm not the most patriotic person but i still love my country. for those who are skeptical about NS.. this is a good read.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

head smashing

yes this is an update of my life.

my life is miserable for now.. for this week. never have i ever feel this amount of stress over the midterms. i wonder what caused it. my stupidity? the focus on projects/assignments over the recess week? bad professors? unclear direction of revision? heavy-content modules?

well.. the list may go on and on but nothing will change the fact that there are 3 midterms in a span of 2 days for me this week. so looking forward to the weekends more than any other week of this semester so far. thinking out loud.. i rather have continual assessments and finals rather than midterms. midterms are so disruptive in your learning. in the weeks with midterms.. one would probably be more focused on revising than absorbing and learning new stuff. then after midterms, catch up time. yeah, just a thought. until next time then, cheers.