Monday, November 9, 2015


a little late but still going to post something that i look forward to every year during Halloween.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

down days

this is a rant. hopefully a one time off thing and i'll be better.

note to self: the world will always be unfairly fair. everyone gets different portions of different aspects of life. a charming person might not exactly be smart. likewise a smart person might not be exactly charming. all in the all, the spread of attributes seems really different from person to person. nonetheless, it is probably due to this uneven distribution that makes one's life seems less unfair or more fair.. whichever term you want to believe in. that being said, i want to say about things that i have less. duh.. it's a rant.

the amount of hard work placed in does not correlate with results. you can be diligent and yet fail. you can be lazy and yet excel. results are really all that matter most of the times. results here refer to any results. it does not mean only about academic results. people don't care what you do behind the scenes. they see what you do in front of their eyes. one might abuse his/her parents at home but act kindly in public.. there a good person. one might be filial but tend to ignore his/her friends.. there a bad person. no matter what, you will be judge. nothing ever satisfies everyone. given two options, choosing either will still give you the dirty words from people around you.. just from different people based on the different choices made.

after saying those, i now recall the times where i love being alone with my thoughts. being alone allows me to be away from such issues. yeah those are inevitable but dealing your own shit yourself can be therapeutic. never promise what you can't deliver. never expect someone to do something for you when you can't do the same for others.

it is time to find some inner peace.