Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

struggle is real

yes this is an update of my life.

revision has been okay i guess just a little behind time.. according to my daily plans for myself. i will catch up and in hope be well prepared to score what i aim for each of my modules. final lag.. no time to slack.

no time to slack.. ironic. what is the real struggle when studying? well, personally i have couple of conflicts during such crucial time where you have only a few days left to prepare for the exams. one struggle will be being caught between the idea if one should stay up to study or wake up earlier to start studying earlier. another struggle will be, one needs a break some time but for how long per day and how. answers to such questions somehow differ from people to people. for me, they differ from time to time as well. nonetheless, so far i think that waking up slightly earlier than usual is better for me. evening time proved to be too unproductive for real revision. as such, evening time is when i chill and play and update my blog as you can see. balanced lifestyle, healthy mind.

i can do this.