Thursday, February 26, 2015

if i'm loaded..

relax not the loaded as in a loaded gun with rounds.. loaded here i am referring to being in a state of having more than needed amount of money. i’m sure from young we all wished that we are loaded. from innocent young hopes of having money to buy your favourite toys and games to more mature hopes of having money to explore the world and starting a small business, we all might have think of what we could use with those extra money. well, obviously i have recently give it a thought as well. so assuming, all debts and loans and daily expenses are settled, if i have still a mountain of money, i would do numerous stuff. take note, these are not arranged in any order.

if i am loaded, i would travel the world. kind of common, yeah i know. i really really wish to travel the world. experience different lifestyles, taste different cuisines, meet different people, enjoy different climate and weather, do activities one cannot do in homeland Singapore.

if i am loaded, i would make sure my parents do not live one day worrying about what to eat and could eat whatever they love. come on, parenting do not come with a guide book. what they did is probably the best they can offer. this is probably the minimal way to repay them aside from spending quality time with them often. 

if i am loaded, i would do charity. no, i will not throw cash to an organisation that takes care of less fortunate people. i will spend the money to travel to places with people who need help and entertain them and help them. i got to say this motivation is entirely due to the OCIP trip way back when i was in secondary school. helping those poor village kids in Chiang Rai is really an enriching experience. 

if i am loaded, i will get myself a sports car. well, no those high end one.. just a standard one. the reason i include this here is because i see car as not a necessity. i see it as a luxury good. house is more important.. haha.

if i am loaded, i will take every good/best friend i know whom i really treasure and treat them to an awesome meal. well, now i can just give them my time and what not. with extra cash i will definitely show more appreciation to them.

so many “if” and hope.. haha. well wishful thinking with happy thoughts is good for the mind at times i guess. let’s strive to achieve being rich anyway.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

the third

yes this is an update of my life.

another day well spent. a Monday with good company watching a really good movie that i will be talking about later. as i usher in the Tuesday of my recess week, i know i have to start bucking up and revising my school work. the pile of work undone is too damn high. how sad.. almost every time i update about my life, it will circle around school work. ohh well.. inner peace. so anyway, i shall review couple of shows and the movie i caught earlier. yeah, as promised, i will be reviewing on the two shows that just ended last weekend.

the first one is "The Mentalist"..

well, its plot is not entirely original. most of the plots are similar to any typical crime dramas. the only thing that is slightly unique is the mentalist.. obviously. he acts as a consultant and give advices based on his intuition and good observation skills. now and then, he would use cool techniques to seek out guilty souls and crack cases. in the first six seasons, there is one main plot.. that is to seek out the notorious killer known as Red John. the seventh season is sort of an encore season to feed its fans' demand.

so, my personal thoughts? i personally love this show. probably because i don't watch many kinds of investigation kind of stuff. furthermore, i love the casts. their acting are pretty decent. character development wise is good as well. the entire plot really take you to occasional roller-coaster rides as well. especially the seventh season, towards the second half of it, you will be sent to an emotional roller-coaster ride like not other in previous seasons. some might find it good but others might not really like it. shan't spoil too much.. but the ending was decent as well though it could be slightly better. so.. conclusion is i would really recommend anyone to watch this series. seven seasons and the series has ended.

the second on is "Two And A Half Men"..

yeah, as you can see. there was a change in casts somewhere in the middle but the standard of the show somewhat remain the same as well. generally, there isn't big plots in the series and each episode is filled with unique jokes. jokes that are sexist, sick, and many more. it is hardly possible to find an episode that don't send you laughing at least once.

so, my personal thoughts? i choose to believe that i have an open mind when it comes to jokes. so i think the show might not be suitable for those who gets easily offended by simple bias jokes in any way. besides that, i find that the series consist of really original humour in a sense. not too lame or too much.. just right. the plot of each episode is clear.. not as if each period or 20 minutes is just flooded with random jokes. so.. conclusion is this would be a good medicine to bad days and weeks. they will send you laughing for sure weekly. of course, over-sensitive people might not like it though.  twelve seasons and the series has ended.

moving on, earlier today, i caught the third instalment of "Ah Boys To Men". this time the focus in on a special intake known as the Naval Diving Unit. i know a distant friend who is in it and i have quite a deal of respect for him for i know the training there isn't anything like i go through in the Army. the frogmen are tough. tough training. tough regimentation. all and this show further proof so.

well, personally i think this instalment is way better than the last two, maybe because they did not try to split this into two parts this time. yeah the duration might be long but it wasn't draggy like the last two. lots of action and interesting scenes. real eye-opening for a person not from there. as usual, Jack Neo films tend to have narration and i think this show have too much it though. despite so, the plot and character development were pretty well done. worth your time and money.

here is the theme song anyway.. though it received a number of criticisms..