Friday, September 12, 2014


as September continues.. my tutees prepare for their PSLE. the first ever major exam and key milestone in primary school. as they prepare hard, i too prepare hard for my first exam in years as well.. yes, mid-terms. mine will be starting in 30th September. really nervous, to be honest.


well, to start off.. if you remembered i mentioned about not getting used to this student life after being a NSF for last two years.. so of course the exam pressure is kind of like new to me. not literally new but you get my point. so yeah.. fingers crossed as i catch up frantically on my academics. when i mug, my tutees are mugging too. all the best to them and me. haha..

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014

the end of September

yes, this is an update of my life.

so few weeks into the start of uni life and workload will naturally pile up. things get tougher to understand and concepts require more time to digest. weekdays are packed with events after events. nonetheless, still surviving. still looking forward to more me time and family time near the end of September when i need not give any more tuition lessons.

anyway, come to think of it, by then it will be nearing the midterm exams. ohh man, this sucks. thank goodness uni holidays are real holidays with no nonsense like homework relating to academics. just fun and CCAs. so yeah, on one hand i look forward to the end of September while on the other i might not look forward to it that much.