Sunday, July 20, 2014

got to live it, live it right

the following song is actually a cover. reason for me not showing you all the original by Spencer is because the cover is way better than the original. their voices are just so pleasing to the ears.

Friday, July 18, 2014


the last time i had to really study for a test was 3 years ago. the last time i had to work hard for an exam was 3 years ago. the last time i had to compromise sleep time for studies was 3 years ago. the last time i had to attend lessons, tutorials, lectures in a school was 3 years ago.

yeah after that, i got enlisted into NS and hardly touch the books or pen throughout my service term. my "student mechanism" is shut down for too damn long. now, as the days of uni creeps closer, i have to be mentally prepared. i hope i am. this weekend will be the start of a new chapter of life. will be moving into my hostel room before heading to orientation camps then to the start of freshmen year. what hall you asked? here it is again..

when i was younger, i always admire teens in their 20s studying in college and what not. i used to imagine how will it be like and what not. a decade later, here i am.. this just feels so surreal. well, nervous too, to be honest, not knowing exactly what to expect but i am willing to try and take on what's ahead for me. interesting days ahead.