Saturday, April 5, 2014

talk shows

it all started from secondary school i would say. i was introduced to a stand-up comedian who i known as Russell Peters. well some of you might have heard of or know him. he is well-known for his ever racist and sexist jokes. pretty loud and daring comedian too.. not for those innocent minds who cannot take sick jokes. if you need an image of him, here he is..

then i moved on to hunt for real good stand-up comedian. i followed Ray William Johnson on YouTube and from there i found another one who is known as Fluffy.. or his real name, Gabriel Iglesias. he prefer fat jokes and is really good at changing his voice to imitate anyone he has in mind. his jokes aren't sick but still as good and as funny. here is his chubby figure..

so two main stand-up comedians that i really follow and like since secondary school and then somehow in on way or another, i moved on to see and get interested into talk shows. now, through YouTube, i am entertained almost on a daily basis by Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Ellen. the next three pictures are of them in the same order.

soon i realised, on top of getting entertained, i too get to know what's happening around the world in a more fun way. okay, yes news from the internet let me know too but through talk shows like these, they are different. you get to see what are the various views and parodies and jokes made from the news and what not. another bonus would be occasionally viewing your idols, be they are singers or what not, on the shows just talking.. random talking to the hosts. so yeah, can be really interesting.

these talk shows are what bring me through the mundane weekday routines of my real life from army to now and in the future. if you have yet to watch a stand-up comedy or an entertainment talk show, i suggest you should try. really mood lightening.

Friday, April 4, 2014

the generation before

ever wondered what the generation before us tend to listen to and watch in the cinemas and what not?

in recent years there are numerous songs made for movies.. "New Divide" performed by Linkin' Park for the movie "Transformers 2" and "Let It Go" for the movie "Frozen" are some of the many examples. easy to get english songs since we watch way more english movies than chinese ones i'm sure. however, let's see one from a chinese song which is from an 80s movie.

if you are curious, you could probably ask your parents about this song and movie. from what i heard, my parents once told be this song with the movie can bring one to tears. ohh well, i never watched the movie but i heard of this song a couple of times. read the lyrics if you can.. and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

love language

after years of schooling in Singapore education system, i'm sure many would have already been thrown with personality test and survey and what not on numerous occasions. one of which that struck me most was some to test one's love language. well, i can't exactly remember when i was asked to do that questionnaire but yeah somehow that was pretty applicable to real life and that is probably the main reason why i remember so vividly. the results i got was exactly what i am and it is applicable even to today. okay, before i move on, i would like to highlight that i won't want to discuss why the school wanted us to do that as well. like why would they eve want to pock into our love life and what not. nope.. nothing about it. so, moving on, there are numerous love languages people display.

okay for those narrow minded people out there, the love language we are talking about here isn't all about boy-girl relationship. in fact, it is more than just that. it is about the love between great friendships and family ties as well. anyway, off hand, i can list out few examples of the love laguages from the questionnaire i did years ago.

gifts. those with this as the main love language tend to love being showered by gifts and other things measurable by money. they would be pleased to have gifts and on top of that, gifts are probably all that they would like to get from opposing parties.. in a good way of course.. damn those gold diggers.

time. those with this as the main love language tend to prefer time spent with one another. they would treasure the time spent hanging out regardless if they end up doing nothing and stone or doing something more meaningful or just mere trash talk. such people will find relationships being strengthen according to the amount time invested by the parties.

intimacy. those with this as the main love language obviously would prefer physical and emotional support. they would love hugs and other form of physical comfort. relationships are enriched through acts of intimacy. friendship hugs, pat on the back, kiss or whatsoever.

there are other points that i forgot but whatever.. because mine is one of the three mentioned.

yeah.. some might guessed it, it is the second point on time. indeed, i prefer spending quality time on major occasions over receiving gifts. spending quality time create memories that last forever. not all gifts last forever though i don't mind gifts as well.. haha. okay ignore that, back to topic. so yeah, quality time above all other expects. that is why i always make it a point to have occasional meet-ups with the people whom i care. no matter the busy schedule or what, i will make time.