Sunday, January 5, 2014


"You Only Live Once". or many social media users will hash-tag in as #yolo. the hash-tag can be seen on almost every social media website you know and visit. pretty common term especially for those younger people for many things are new and what not to them.

to my social media idiot readers, the term #yolo is used by one normally when he/she is trying something new and is excited about it or doing something daring that might result to unexpected outcomes.

well, however it gets really annoying when some of them start to use #yolo as an excuse to do silly things or what not. they will be like partying like an animal, knowing that they have more important things to do and reason like "come on, #yolo you know". they will be like keen to exercise to burn fats but still feasting like tomorrow there will be no food, exclaiming like "nevermind #yolo, die then die".

well, personally i think #yolo should not be an excuse to do stupid things repeatedly and what not. i respect the idea of living like there is no tomorrow. however, living like there is no tomorrow and letting yourself totally out of control or loose are two really different things.

by the way, you don't live once but you live daily just that you die once. haha.. ohh well i guess #yolo sounds better than #yodo any day.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

i do, i don't

welcome to 2014 once again my fellow readers. actually i slept through at least half of the first day of the first day of 2014.. ohh the effect to having weird and irregular sleeping patterns.

so anyway, the year has just started off and i'm sort of kicking start my internal engine to do productive things. now i need a place to flaunt whatever i've done and have been doing and will be doing later soon.

i've signed up with more private tuition agencies and also tried to reach out to 7 parents so far. now i just have to wait a little more patiently as they assess my application and what not before they decide whether to employ me. fingers crossed here. next is my PSC scholarship application. essay near done and application form near completion so i guess i can submit it as soon as possible by the middle of January. also, i have read finish two more books i borrowed earlier somewhere in the middle of December. i know i might be rather slow in my reading but i had a lot of play time and other things to attend to anyway. 

later after posting this and probably after my dinner, i shall head on to open the newly bought 2014 planner and start jotting down events and important dates and appointments. on top of that, i shall make a list of things to buy for CNY. well, mainly clothing and wearing accessories anyway.. haha.

hmm bright start to my 2014 especially when last night's EPL was pretty entertaining and interesting. good results for the Arsenal fans and Man Utd haters.

those aside, let's move on to talk about local talents. actually, i am not a very big fan of local talents useless one is really great and awesome. and when i say local, i mean 100% Singaporean and not those imported athletes representing us for SEA Games or Olympics. so anyway, local musicians are rare but not extinct. came across this pretty decent on recently. the band name is "The Summer State". came across them on radio and internet and thought i should share it. here it is.. enjoy!!