Wednesday, September 28, 2016


yes this is an update of my life.

still in the midst of the midterm week with one more paper left to handle tomorrow afternoon. i am so tired and saturated to actually do any form of work and revision now. hell, in fact i have been feeling so since last Thursday/Friday. midterms can be just a drag. somehow or rather, it halts learning and forces one to focus of the crucial say 2-hour papers as assignments and projects from all directions are creeping up and haunting you. i swear after this last midterm paper i need a break from all these nonsense and rest for the weekend before continue the mad race and struggle.

since the start of recess week until now, there have been more assignments and projects. each deadline is so close to another.. mostly in October. there is still one more individual project from a core module that has yet to be released and i know it will be released real soon. including that, it will make up to a total of 3 projects and 3 assignments.. of which, five will be due in October. nice.. what a way to welcome post-midterms. honestly, the crunch is real. well, four core modules, similar to year 1 semester 1 but this time it is different. different in both the good and the bad way. good way being, i know what to expect.. the stress level, the expectations and what not as compared to the previous time i had four core modules. bad way being, every thing has up a notch in difficulty.. or maybe a few for some of them.

for now, i am still surviving though i wonder if i am handling well with the workload and what not. nonetheless, i will always make sure i have time to chill.. such as watching the US presidential debate last night. interesting to watch someone who was really well-prepared debating with someone who resorted to many personal attacks and denial to mask his/her unreadiness for the debate. be your own judge. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, September 25, 2016


yes this is an update of my life.

my brain has practically been in saturation point ever since Thursday morning. i am like literally like waiting for my papers to start right now. midterms are always a hinder to the learning process. for a few days or a week, learning stops for one has to be focused on revising the topics tested for the papers. so yeah.. same as before i have halt other modules' stuff for these two miserable midterms.

well, double-edged sword i guess.. as much as i hate to halt learning just for midterms, i wouldn't like to find myself in a situation with tons of projects and assignments as replacements. the latter situation is kind of the situation this semester. the stress will not stop after midterms week. in fact, i think i will start to panic more once i am done with the midterms. trivial stress points yet enough to put pressure in my life haha.. ohh wells, used to it.

of course, the past weekdays i have been doing as much as i deem sufficient. weekends are more of fun and giving tuition. until next time then, cheers.