Sunday, July 28, 2019

world of twos

yes this is an update of my life.

the past week have made me explore the two extreme ends of the spectrum: being in a state of high stress, being in a state of super chill. some many things that require my attention occurring at the same time. i feel  more stretched in all directions than ever this week. there is so much happening in the next few weeks and months as well. while i am more excited, the nervousness gets me at times. the uncertainty, the unknown.. but i guess you aren't living if you keep staying within your comfort zone.

August is unusually the most happening month each year. somehow this is seems to be how the world plan for my birthday month each year. or maybe is partly due to the fact that there are two public holidays next month. coming August, the Sydney trip and Trevor Noah live show. however, this year September/October might be as, if not more, happening. heading to the UK for work and leisure. two countries i have never been to, two continents i have never been to, within two months. how exciting!

well, one step at a time. tackling this seemingly hectic week again head on. until next time then, cheers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

to or not

yes this is an update of my life.

past week has been a really busy week.. was really glad that it is over and i could rest a little more today. somehow work tend to start off slow on Monday and Tuesday but when Wednesday comes, the flood gates would be open. tiring but i felt a good sense of satisfaction. came across an article that one of my favourite professors posted on how you would know you found your calling. forgot to save the link but as i recalled there were quite a few tell-tale signs and one that really stood out the most that i remembered is that if you are working on your calling, you would do whatever you are doing now even if you are not paid or not paid wisely. hmm.. good food for thought.

also work-related, i am at a crossroad pertaining to an internal opportunity. i am still pondering if i should take a leap or not. not much a push available now as compared to the last time i tried something similar. regardless, that would mean i have to think harder this time than the last time. however, i do not have that much of time to make the choice. being a free thinker, instead of looking for divine intervention, i just hope for plain clarity in general.. haha.

time is passing way too fast. there are plans that i thought would happen quite some time later but, hey, then i realised that more than half of them are happening soon. that is really scary but i guess i can only take comfort that i am making full use of each day.. so much so i have lost track on how fast time is passing by.. just hoping important things are not neglected in the process. until next time then, cheers.