Friday, September 7, 2018

fastest week

yes this is an update of my life.

another week is over. somehow this week felt like it literally flashed by.. fastest week so far. i think this is because of two main things that occurred this week. one, i got my 2B license. two, this week is the start of my job's peak period in a way.

i am still slightly in disbelief that i passed my Wednesday traffic police test. don't get me wrong, i am really glad i did and am slightly relief that i need not pump in more money to try and achieve that goal of mine. there are other expenses for me to worry more about.

then i have my work peak period. need to crash course quite a couple of new things along the way. so many deliverables yet so little time. but i am still swimming and surviving the deep oceans.

this weekend comes real timely as well. may i regain my drive and energy. until next time then, cheers.