Friday, April 20, 2018

a third, one half

yes this is an update of my life.

well, life is pretty relaxing these few days. the start of my 3-weeks reading week has begun and a third of it is gone after today. been slowly reading up on the lectures that i did not pay attention in.. well basically half of the semester stuff from my last level 4000 core module. coupled with FYP stuff, i did not really have the time to give it the full attention as required.. as such i am somewhat paying the price now. nonetheless, slowly catching up. slowly but surely.

as for class 2B licence go.. the next lesson would be the circuit obstacles assessment. been practising them for two lessons now and i hope i am ready for it this coming Monday. gosh.. excited and stressed about it at the same time. this isn't even the TP test yet.. lol. i am probably about halfway through to the TP test anyway.. still will take quite some time to clear. theory wise.. i am slowly gaining speed on clearing the RTT soon.

well, many things to look forward to in the coming couple of weeks. hopefully, some job applications will respond.. Avengers: Infinity War.. RTT.. circuit assessment.. end of my undergraduate life. until next time then, cheers.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

truth potato #6

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

well, this post by Truth Potato taken from Bored Panda website hits the spot. to be honest, i am still figuring something related to this on my own as well. in the recent weeks, i have seen friends who are in long-term relationships breaking up. some of which are very surprising.. like those kind you would never ever expect.

then, on the other hand, i see those who dive fast into relationships after a recent break-ups or moving to marriage real quick. hmm.. what is love to these people?

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

truth potato #5

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

woots, finally a post by Truth Potato from Bored Panda website that has the harsh language. what am i to say other then truth hurts. haha.. ohh wells.

as i grow older i realised i start to only reach out to those few people i hold on dear to. i became very selective with close friends and friends. what exactly made me so? to date i am still figure as well.. my best answer would be just time and age. as life kicks in, everyone becomes very occupied with their stuff and what not. if they treasure you, they would find time for you, no excuses and no bullshit reasons. save a lot of trouble letting go those "ghosts" anyway.. save time, save money, save headache.