Tuesday, October 18, 2016

your drive

it is always thought to be a cliché to hear people reminding you that you always have to study and work and pursue what you love and enjoy doing or learning. while in reality many would see this as an ideal case scenario that not everyone is that privileged to experience, i beg to differ. i'm unsure how many would be standing with me when i say finding the drive to move on is really important and to do so, that cliché advice is a good first step.

knowing exactly what you are aiming and trying to achieve sets a distant attainable goal. the goal is set by you. if you think that it is only a dream one could only hope for, then either of the two could be a possibility. one, you are giving in the easier way of sitting where you are thinking that you are comfortable there anyway. two, you set the goal based on ideals and perfections. personally, i believe that having realistic goals is key to riding on your drive.

your goals should not be too low in a way you are forever in your comfort zone. they are neither suppose to be too far for you reach. you know yourself best. finding what drives you can only be done by you and yourself alone. once the drive is found, obstacles might be deemed as challenges. my drive in college is based on multiple things.. one of which being my passion for statistics. to be honest, without that passion i would have given up long ago just by looking at the content of the higher level modules i am dealing with right now.

it is really sad to see people studying or working without knowing their drive. that is more of a soulless human being. having drive and purpose can not only add meaning to your routine of waking up every morning but also certain level of happiness now and then.

ohh wells, enough thoughts out loud.. hope you all gained something.