Saturday, December 12, 2015

uncollected thoughts

yes this is an update on my life.

busy is good. well, not always but at times it is. i think it is more appropriate to say that being busy at the right time is good. because, of course, no one wants to be busy at a time when you are exhausted, needing a little more rest. well that's me tonight. after being a day busy going around with my family i want to rest and sleep in tomorrow but i cannot.. i have a tutee to teach. ohh wells, shall focus on the good.. earning extra pocket money.

one month is a little too short considering the things i hope to achieve and the fact that the next long summer break i would be working as an intern or a temporary staff somewhere.. hopefully. nonetheless, been trying to enjoy myself as much as possible. enjoying through giving time for my own recreational activities and spending time to hang out with loved ones. one thing i have yet to really do is recollect my thoughts. thoughts that matter. of some i would at times post here. hopefully i could do that soon. meantime i shall catch up on my shows during my free time.. lol. stay happy people. cheers.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


i think in today's context, people see giving thanks as something deeming to their pride or something. instead people would rather give a unwilling apology over thanks. well, here is some examples i came across the other day that set me thinking.

Stop Saying "Sorry" If You Want To Say Thank You: A Seriously Insightful Cartoon


Tuesday, December 8, 2015