Saturday, July 11, 2015

ST2131 review (NUS)

in this review, i will be giving the rough description, assessment criteria and difficulty. i will not discuss about how easy or difficult to score a certain grade or what not. also, excuse my language.. i am not a professional writer.

ST2131: Probability

this module teaches a lot of statistical knowledge. permutations, combinations, probability, distributions. you will be taught tons and tons of formulas and expected to know how to apply them during exams. don’t worry, cheatsheet is allowed but that does not mean the paper will turn out easy. content heavy module but the stuff taught in this module is pretty applicable in future statistics and mathematics module.

as for grading wise, you are graded through midterm and final.

personally, i find this module slightly challenging. while there are certain initial chapters that teach us something we learn before university, the new stuff taught can be rather difficult and confusing. if you don’t love mathematics, especially statistics, this is not a module for you. the exams are pretty okay but from what i heard, their difficultly depends on the main coordinator. i guess i was a little lucky then.

as tips from someone who has taken this module, just be really consistent. i wasn’t so and kind of regret after recess week. for i could feel myself snowballing all my doubts and what not in the final parts of the semester.. which is not good. i had to scale a steeper hill during reading week. also, try to ace the midterm if you want a perfect score 5 for the module.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


saying “thank you” or “excuse me” is probably something being taught the moment a kid has begun to talk. hey idiots, you say “thank you” when someone has voluntarily help you. i would not be so particular about it if it happens now and then. but consistently no giving thanks would really make you seem as a super rude person whom the entire world owes you something. please, the world doesn’t revolve around you and being in a rush is not a good excuse. giving a simple word of thanks takes you just a second and you will make the world a better place by letting people who helped you feel appreciated. furthermore, you won’t appear rude. hey idiots, you say “excuse me” when you need to pass someone who is unfortunately and unintentionally standing in your way. you don’t go pushing and shoving through the crowd without saying a word. that is just rude and ignorant. again, being in a rush is a really bad excuse here since you need not use much time or effort to say “excuse me”.

updating your friends if you have other plans or sick and you cannot turn up might be something your parents didn’t teach but i’m sure they taught you responsibility. this should be picked up naturally over the years right? how would you like waiting for someone even though it is past the meeting time but be told way later that he/she cannot turn up for whatever reason? being the idiot of no saying anything will be just irresponsible and not putting a thought for your dear friends who expect to meet you. informing them last minute might not be ideal but at least informing is better than waiting for your dear friends to actually ask you when are you turning up only to get the reply that you aren’t anymore.

saying “hello” and “goodbye” is also something you learn from young but somehow for some people, these words don’t exist in their dictionary anymore and i wonder why at times. they you just pop out and disappear without saying a word. if you are doing that, i assume you want to be a ghost.. sure i will grant your wish. you might as well not turn up as well for that matter.

well, many things will send people shaking their heads but the thing that really makes my head shake the most is lacking in manners and courtesy. yeah, these things are not really taught in school but take note, how polite or responsible you appear speaks a lot about your character and your family’s teaching. think about it.