Friday, May 15, 2015

a kind of friend

it is kind of cool to see a group of people picking out minute things that annoy as day to day..

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

party latecomers

thanks to the new age of digital devices with sophisticated chat applications, communication has been made easier and systematic. within just one group chat, we can have friends from anywhere to be gathered to discuss about anything anytime. nonetheless, new problems arise as well. in fact, this problem is kind of comical.

while group chats ease the gathering of people for discussion, getting responses in group chats are seemingly difficult. for those who have initiated a plan or query or what in a group chat might share the same thoughts as me. i call them the “latecomers”.

these “latecomers” will read the messages and will take note of everything except for the question mark at the end of sentences and what not. they will keep quiet as though it is cool to be quiet and let the others voice out. they will keep quiet as though they see no need to participate in any form of discussion in the group. these “latecomers” think the world revolves around them since the initiator has to ask them personally to get their responses.

well, point is i dislike such people. whatever happen to the courtesy of replying? the fact that you are in the group chat means your voice matters in the group. it is not cool to stay quiet all the time, especially during times when your opinions and answers are requested. if you prefer to stay quiet in the party, then just leave the party.. simple as that.

this quiet people are seemingly become bigger in numbers these days. at times i really wonder if our communication abilities are dropping or not due to the growing popularity of online communicating applications and devices.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

the comfort zone

i will admit that i am an introvert and that staying in my own comfort zone can be one of the many things i love to do now and then. thank goodness i have outgoing friends who would suggest something interesting to do now and then that will send be hesitating. me hesitating because i will be out of my comfort zone.. at times trying something new, at times being in an initial awkward situation, at times being unsure of what to do next. however, after living to this age, i figure there will be nothing great coming about if one were to stay in his/her comfort zone most of the time.

if you are above the age where you start to rebel against your parents a little, that is probably the time to not stay in the comfort zone. yes, maybe you need friends to push a little just like what mine do to me now and then.. however, at the end of the day, stepping out of the comfort zone can be fun and enriching. hey.. and this is coming from an introvert.

yes, maybe you still need your comfort zone. i agree that we all need that me-time now and then but stepping out of it is crucial too. i guess staying in your own shell and not sticking your head out to explore will really make your life and dull and uninteresting one. if uninteresting is your thing, think again. you will never know the feeling of doing something new until you try it. yeah of course if it turns out to be a bad experience, you will know that the particular activity is not for you.. vice versa. point is to try and try and try. go out and try things that are out of your comfort zone. you will be know what magic is out there until you step out.