Saturday, June 2, 2018

ST4242 review (NUS)

DISCLAIMER: firstly, i am not a professional writer, so if there are mistakes in my language, move on. secondly, the review is mostly based on opinions, so i would advise you to google for more reviews to get a diverse take on the modules you are interested in. thirdly, module details change every semester, so do not expect every assessment will stick. last but not the least, i will not talk about grades. hope this is useful for you, cheers.

things you lean: -
titled "Analysis of Longitudinal Data", this module kicks start by introducing the two forms of longitudinal data.. namely the wide and long format. thereafter, the module teaches you various model formats such as linear mixed models, generalised linear models and others. you will get to understand smoothing and be introduced to various covariance and correlation structures when modelling various data.

assessments: -
the assessments are just tutorial submissions and final exam. the tutorial submissions grading was rather straightforward. you either get 1 or 0 for satisfactory and unsatisfactory respectively. final exam was more tedious and torturous. one sheet of cheatsheet is allowed. time was a huge factor in the paper for there were so many questions.

my opinion on the module: -
hmm.. to be honest i not quite how to put a feeling to this module. but my first impression would be mildly challenging yet interesting. the models you get to learn are pretty new. the presentation of observations and what not in matrix forms are more complex than any previous modules you read.. because in this case you get an individual recorded at various timepoints having numerous variables.. so yeah go figure. hard work is needed to understand this module well and to tackle the assessments well.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.

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