personal privacy
today, we live in an age filled with sophisticated social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tinder.. an the list goes on and on. it is highly unlikely that the numbers of such platforms will decrease any time soon. point is that these platforms allow individuals to share their personal information online. like i said, it is they who share.. meaning whatever they let you know is probably whatever someone should know about them at surface level. one’s privacy ought to be respected as well.
some might think that privacy is a cost in this age where information are easily accessible through the means of internet. nonetheless, i still believe that personal privacy still exist since this aspect is pretty much controlled individually. at the end of the day, whatever you put online about yourself is on your own decision. no one else forced you to do so or what not. of course, if you prefer to be transparent and let the entire world know about your life inside out, that is your decision too. as for the vast majority, i seek the understanding of people that others would like a certain level of privacy.

yes you might see their photos online and the people whom they hang out with flooding your timeline. using a certain level of intelligence, you can slowly guess what occasion your friend is celebrating or where they went. however, what you managed to know from what you see online is more or less what you ought to know. you don’t go prying and be a busybody and try to source for more juicy details about their lives. furthermore, you should not go about creating rumours when you see so and so with another so and so or what not.
one, such actions are childish. two, you might not like it if people try to read you like a book when you are not exactly hoping it to be so. three, he/she is a human being, he/she deserves certain level of personal privacy.
of course there are exceptional cases. close friends and what not might just share anything and everything. yeah, why not? however, the group i am targeting here is actually made up of those mere friends or acquaintances. ohh well, like i mentioned earlier, these are my personal believes.. my personal opinions. you might want to beg to differ.. by all means. however, just take note that whatever you do when you try to pry into a person’s life, you ought to make sure he/she isn’t feeling super uncomfortable with it. i stand by what i believe.. so if you ever try anything funny, i might just ignore your existence.
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