Thursday, May 3, 2018

rule of third

yes this is an update of myself.

i find myself literally waiting for finals to end this semester. yeah, waiting, no studying for it or what.. probably due to the fact that i realised i cannot really alter my current CAP by much even if i were to score very well. so might as well enjoy that little bit of freedom.. sort of rewarding myself for the hard work i placed into my CAP over the past few semesters lol.

tomorrow will be my first final paper and my second/last paper will be on Wednesday.. gosh what a drag. the anxiety has not kick in yet.. to be honest i wonder if the anxiety will kick in this time run.

outside school stuff, today was a good day. finally cleared my class 2B circuit assessment after the 3rd try. what a coincidence.. 3rd try on the 3rd of May. this "module" was known to be the most problematic and difficult to clear. finally got it done. unfortunately, my past hopes of getting 2B before i start work are gone. i just realised the waiting time for the theory test and the TP test. ohh wells.. nonetheless shall treasure each lesson and each practice. until next time then, cheers.

Monday, April 30, 2018

truth potato #8

15 Bitters Truths That Tells Us The Truth Potato Strikes Again

this by Truth Potato taken from the Bored Panda website resonates strong with me. when i was younger, my mum always told me to be nice to others no matter what. i understand that she loves to see the best in people regardless of the number of bad things he/she has done but her advice led me to a phase of agony few years back.

shan't tell the grandfather story but let me add on to that picture with a few statements. there will be some who will only approach you when they need your help. there will be some who will be nice to you because they are going to ask you for a favour or would gain something for themselves by doing so. yes, be nice but don't ever be stupid. if there are a lot warning signs, just say no. no means no.