Wednesday, March 28, 2018

your clock

yes this is an update of my life.

i came across a timely reminder earlier today. i guess recently i am rather caught up with the pace i am taking as compare to peers around me.. so much so at times i forgot to slow and appreciate the things around me. the link to the video that served as a timely reminder is below. do take a look and enjoy.

Everyone has a different clock. Wait for your time.

remember to not sweat about how fast or slow you are going, so long you are moving at a pace you feel right about. remember not to compare everyone's pace to your own. until next time then, cheers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


yes this is an update of my life.

rainy weather. cool breeze. slightly more free. elements that push one to type out a decent post on the blog.. so here i am. there are many things that set my mind wander into deep thoughts and then i begin to question hard on my intentions, directions and goals. among all the million of thoughts racing through, i would like to collate a portion of them to talk about it here today.

"grass is always greener on the other side". i think this phrase does more harm than good. somehow people around love saying this as an excuse or justification in making a mistake or so before having to move on to the next option.. while initially those silly mistakes and decisions could have been avoided. yes, while that phrase serves as an encouragement for events that happen beyond one's control, we cannot live by that phrase.

this was kind of my problem in recent weeks. when i chance across an opportunity or chance, instead of making full use of it, i went to figure on the "what ifs". in the process, i lost couple of precious stuff. thank goodness that i realised fast enough to adjust my course accordingly before more damage is done. so, yes here i am cautioning you. treasure each step, treasure each opportunity, never let anything good slip away just because you were looking over to the greener side. the greener side might not be as great as the side you are on. brighter colours do not translate to better quality. until next time then, cheers.

Monday, March 26, 2018

single at 24

yes this is an update of my life.

well, i know i mentioned that i would do a proper update of the weekend but today is Monday.. i am late. wanted to do so last night but fetching my parents from their holiday trip took longer than expected and by the time i can rest and do so, it was near bedtime. so thought rather wait until this morning to do so.

yeah, my parents went for a short trip over the weekend and for me, i had the privilege to use the family car through the last three days. furthermore, fatbro did not come home and the entire house was under my car. lived the life of a single man in the last three days but instead of a middle-aged man in his 40s, i am the single man at 24.. lol.

living that kind of lifestyle really has its perks. freedom to go around. freedom to rest when i feel like to. freedom to pick where to eat. managed to get quite a lot of things done over the last three days. from late night supper to catching up with old friends to practising for my FYP presentation aloud at home.

FYP presentation practice is taking me longer than expected as well. trying to memorise or at least present without using any script. roughly 30 minutes of words.. this could take awhile. longest continuous speech i ever have to prepare for in my life so far. slides are done and content is more or less there.. just practise, practise and more practise. as for motorbike lesson, finally got to start on the obstacle courses. gosh fun yet so challenging.. this could take awhile as well. job hunting is temporary on hold as well. too many things to take care of to be active on it.

well then, start of yet another week.. short week and long weekend at the end of it.. can't wait. until next time then, cheers.