Monday, August 22, 2016

brave enough

yes this is an update of my life.

tutorial classes have begun. my timetable is only slightly less packed than the past 2 weeks. the weather has been acting weird in the last few days as well.. and so is my health. i can feel myself really heaty with a little sore throat.. every now and then a slight fever will hint the need to rest more. hmm rest more.. though i didn't really do much besides watching shows until late at night. ohh.. late at night. maybe i should start sleeping earlier than i am doing over the last couple of days. durian season is here and of course eating durian did not really help with my condition. ohh wells.. spamming water and rest then.

as for shows.. i am currently waiting for all the usual dramas to start airing their new seasons this coming late September of early October. in the meantime, i have been watching "Impractical Jokers", the US version. tried watching the UK version but did not really appreciate their style and what not.. maybe partly because UK's just started but US's has been going for five seasons now. shows aside, i have been listening to a new album from Lindsey Stirling as well.. titled "Brave Enough". hmm.. probably to early to say anything much but i think i might just prefer the previous album over this. nonetheless, given her talent and commitment, if you have yet to listen to her pieces, you are losing out.

so yeah.. shall blog again soon. until next time then, cheers.