Thursday, April 21, 2016

minute of rest

yes this is an update of my life.

in a blink of an eye, the end of reading week is near. Thursday already and i thought Monday was just yesterday. one week isn't enough for a reading week. sleep, play, study. choose two. one does not have time to do all three together given the limited time. if one only sleep all week, one is bound to be unprepared for the finals. this case is similar when one chooses to play only. if one chooses to study only, one is probably more stressed than anyone or halfway to insanity.

so, naturally i chose play and study. study almost the entire day to dinner time. following dinner, chilling most of the time. watching shows, catching up on social media, aimless internet surfing. as much as i try, i force myself to have sufficient rest but sadly this proved challenging. still, i am still standing.. haha. really cannot wait for finals to be over. then again, i hope the half a week rest before the start of my internship will last longer.

yes, some might think i am crazy but this is what i want.. no regrets (other than the low allowances). the company has email-ed me couple of stuff to read through before the orientation workshop. on a slightly happier note, i have a friend who will be my colleague as well. the world is small. gosh, every minute of ret counts. until next time then, cheers.

Monday, April 18, 2016


last year, an awesome magician almost crowned champion. this year there is another promising one.. hopefully he will continue amaze us and win.. or the very least make it t the finals.