Saturday, July 11, 2015

GEM2901 review (NUS)

in this review, i will be giving the rough description, assessment criteria and difficulty. i will not discuss about how easy or difficult to score a certain grade or what not. also, excuse my language.. i am not a professional writer.

GEM2901: Reporting Statistics In The Media

this module teaches you how to interpret and sieve news article that contains lots of statical figures in them. you will learn the loopholes and errors in sampling and data collection and what not through the entire course of lectures. statistics major students love to take this module. even other students love this too as it is comparatively easier and relaxing. lectures only.. there isn’t any tutorials for this module but sadly, i heard this module is going to be taken away soon. not sure it will be replaced, renamed or really removed for good.

as for grading wise,they grade you through two group projects and final.

personally, i find this module rather interesting though skipping lectures won’t result you losing out mush as well. in fact, most of the time, few turn up for lectures. the notes are really comprehensive and concepts taught are pretty clear and straightforward. the final paper is also easy so long you have read through the lecture notes and sample tutorial questions a couple of time. the group project is rather straightforward too as you can write anything you deem might help explain your case when criticising a news article.

as tips from someone who has taken this module, take this module with friends since the group work requires 3 to 5 students per group. when starting on the projects.. sieve out few news articles and email the lecturers to see if those selected ones could be used for the projects. thereafter, you all can start and complete the project write-up without much sweat. as for the final paper, just turn up and bring along a certain amount of common sense with you. bell curve is naturally steep for this module.. of course.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.

LSM1302 review (NUS)

in this review, i will be giving the rough description, assessment criteria and difficulty. i will not discuss about how easy or difficult to score a certain grade or what not. also, excuse my language.. i am not a professional writer.

LSM1302: Genes And Society

this module teaches students a lot of biological concepts before exposing them to ethical issues that can be brought forth from biological research and experiments. the module is naturally content heavy but the lecturer can be rather entertaining and interesting. this module has no tutorials just purely lectures twice a week.

as for grading wise, you are graded through lecture questions (one MCQ per few lectures), IVLE participation through surveys, essay project. brochure project, structured questions homework, final.

personally, i love this module really much. having learned H2 biology in my JC times, some of the concepts taught in this module are rather familiar. though the lectures are long and have no breaks in between, the lecturer is rather entertaining and on usual days i will not feel bored to death in his lectures. the assignments might be a little time consuming considering the low weightage each of them has but the process of doing can be enriching. final is the only thing that really separates the A students from the B students to the others.

as tips from someone who has taken this module, if biology interest you, this module is for you. i have a friend who did not have any biology knowledge prior to taking this module. however, despite having to climb a steep hill, she enjoyed this module as much as i did. keep up with the assignments and put in decent amount of effort to level yourself with the cohort. final exam will be the one that decides who score what. the practices the lecturer gives are not a good representation of the exam questions. though they are MCQs, the questions there can be rather tricky and tough. as always, biology tests who has the greatest memory.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.

PC1327 review (NUS)

in this review, i will be giving the rough description, assessment criteria and difficulty. i will not discuss about how easy or difficult to score a certain grade or what not. also, excuse my language.. i am not a professional writer.

PC1327: Science Of Music

this module introduces physics into music. actually, the title of the module is pretty much self-explanatory. you will get to learn waveform and simple calculation pertaining to both physics and music. if you are worrying about not having any physics or music background, well, don’t worry. while prior music knowledge might give you a slight edge, there music stuff is rather straightforward and easy. as for physics part, i didn’t take physics since secondary school and i find this module physics aspect is more like basic mathematics calculations.

as for grading wise, you are graded from two term tests, tutorial attendance, MIDI composition and reflection essay on a musical performance.

personally, i enjoyed this module for not only it has a light workload, i enjoyed the assessments. however, if you hate steep bell curves then you might hate this module for this module has the steepest bell curve i have ever seen so far. nonetheless, the journey was rather relaxing and enjoyable. you need not have knowledge on physics and/or music to ace this module. even without knowledge on both, you won’t struggle much.

as tips from someone who has taken this module, try to ace in your term tests. in other words, aim for full marks. practise a few past year papers from your seniors and what not for the format and style is always the same.. i think the lecturer is a little lazy to be really creative year after year. also, for the live concert you have to attend to write that essay, find free or cheap ones and hang out with your friends. enjoy your time in this module.

click here to see the modules i have read and their respective reviews. do feel free to contact me via Telegram @alvinngjh for any questions or what not.