yes this is an update of my life.
ohh gosh about 24 hours left before a new month of my phone billing commences. the improvement in technology has led me to be really reliant on internet i guess. i can hardly go without internet for long periods of time. however, i have to not use phone data until 24 hours later. i am a few MB away from exceeding the limit per month. don't want to pay the ridiculous extra charges.
well, without internet or wifi around, traveling home from school seemed to be one of the longer ones yet. there isn't anything to entertain me.. no online games, no usage of social media, no online chatting. while this seemed rather insane, i actually get to stare at people around me lol. okay.. to put it in a nicer form, i get to observe and appreciate the people and things around me without checking or using my phone very minute.
who am i kidding? doing so can be boring after awhile.. thank goodness i am home with wifi.