Friday, September 19, 2014

shit lecturers say

so today marks the end of the first half of the semester. next week is recess week.. a week by right given to us to rest and what not before starting off Week 7 with numerous midterm exams. key phrase "by right". by left, one need to spend half the time revising and what not as well.

anyway.. six weeks flew by and nonetheless there are some things lecturers would say that make them sound evil, hypocritical, sarcastic. this list is only to poke fun and no harm intended. just for laughs.

so.. here goes.. shit lecturers would say: -

1)  "this chapter is actually very easy."
2) "assignment? very fast can finish."
3) "enjoy your weekend."
4) "enjoy your study break."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

fly by

yes, this is an update of my life.

it is like week 6 now. i don't even feel it but i got hit with the fact a couple of days ago when someone reminded me that the following week is recess week. thereafter, it will be midterms. i was partly shocked when i got reminded of that. i didn't know that time has literally fly by. must be thanks to the constant feeling of catching up and keeping my speed up and what not. quite a decent reality check i would say.

i have four midterms to conquer within the next two to three weeks. scary. i have never taken an exam since like before NS.. which is like three years ago. wonder how this would really feel. anyway, i guess recess week, while one can chill and play a little now and then. i too need to really be serious in revision. easy said than done.. hope i keep my own word.