Thursday, July 28, 2016


yes this is an update of my life.

short quick update because i am really tired. physically and mentally tired from work but glad tomorrow will be the last day of this internship experience. hope all ends smoothly and what not. so thankful for the awesome teammates and colleagues, now friends, i have met along the way. may we stay in touch. until next time then, cheers.

Monday, July 25, 2016

online war

yes this is an update of my life.

quick update as i slowly recovering from my weekend sickness thanks to some viral infection in my digestive system. well, same old ritual has begun.. the bidding and balloting for classes have started for us poor NUS students. this war is literally fought behind screens and in the comfort of our own computer desk. really hope i can get the ideal timetable i wanted and not pulled more hair out just to try figure out how to sort out the mess the system gives me.

in the meantime, still counting down to end of the internship.. 4 more days. until next time then, cheers.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

stuck sick

yes this is an update of my life.

really bad start to the supposedly eventful weekend. supposed to be at a friend's 21st birthday party but i am instead home stuck with a stupid virus. yeah.. according to the doctor, i am facing a viral infection. it all started yesterday morning. got to head to the toilet more often than usual with diarrhoea. then just when i was about to end work, i felt fever creeping in. had to change my tuition date and slept like at 8pm. spammed water and sleep before visiting the doctor earlier today.

well, he said my digestive system somehow got a virus and i wasn't that surprise considering how some idiots at my workplace love to cough without covering their mouths and what not. i don't like falling sick, hence i always look out for my diet and what not. this brings me to my point that this sickness is caused by something i cannot really control.. stupid unhygienic people. ohh wells.. i just really hope i recover fast. until next time then, cheers.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

tape face

if you are watching America's Got Talent, you would know him. interesting and unique acts.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

handing over

yes this is an update of my life.

finally adjusted back to the internship lifestyle again after being away from it for a week of reservist. saw quite a few newly added interns to the office. ohh man.. they have not idea the workload and expectations that will be thrown at them really soon. well, to be fair, they are still in the orientation stage. gosh.. felt as though i just had my internship "lessons" few days ago. three months are almost up. time flies.

i'm amazed at the path my team and i have travelled so far. i cannot be more grateful with the awesome people i have with my during this internship experience. helpful and intelligent teammates, patient supervisors, inspiring bosses. people are always the ones that make anything better.

however, not the time to be this relieved yet.. handover will not take place until next Wednesday. as of now, the focus i have ought to stay until then. nonetheless, i still look towards the finish line.. haha. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday my Monday

yes this is an update of my life.

had a good rest day yesterday but good times like that don't last quite long. today back to work.. well not my internship work, more of my side job of being part-time tutor. furthermore, been more than a year since i devoted so much time into tuition in any given day. my first lesson started at 10:30am and my last lesson ended at 7:30pm. of course, not all time in between was spent giving tuition. had 3 lessons.. teaching time of 5 hours. remaining time spent traveling, eating and doing my internship work. gosh i feel so productive today.

a little tired of today's working schedule. today was like any Monday. my Monday will be my Tuesday tomorrow. 6 days work week.. yeah. back to real work tomorrow. counting down to the final two weeks of this fruitful but stressful internship. got to say that, considering this is my first internship experience, it was a really good attachment and i have really learnt a lot of things that usual semesters cannot give.

two more weeks of internship left.. means three more weeks of summer break before school starts again. i need to change gear fast. until next time then, cheers.

Friday, July 15, 2016

low cycles

yes this is an update of my life.

pardon me for not posting for the past 5 days. got stuff to post but no computer or proper internet to post. was away on my first ever cycle of reservist. low key. in fact, the next few cycles will be low key reservist cycles as well. then once we have clear 3 of those, we say high to the remaining 7 high key ones.

was a good break from my internship work but was not a decent break from the hectic life of a Singaporean. days were packed with all the trainings and what not. i felt as though i was as unfit as i was back when yet to start enlisting into BMT. nonetheless, i guess i am glad this period of time was well spent to keep my fitness.. despite numerous guilty meals. most importantly, the people who have been bunking with me this cycle were awesome. really glad to meet and catch up with buddies i ran into during the days of NS.

looking forward and away from the green days, i left two more weeks of internship to go. shall slowly change back the channel to work and start finishing this internship on a good note. concurrently, the next round of bidding and balloting for classes will soon take place. year 3 is about to start. honestly, i am slightly more excited than reluctant for the next academic term to start. until next time then, cheers.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

a day before

yes this is an update of my life.

i will not be posting here or very very little over the next week. will be heading in for my first ever cycle of reservist. while quite a few of my peers will be heading to their 2nd or 3rd cycle, mine will be the first. haha.. ohh well, still got quite a handful who are yet to be called back as well. so yeah.. the next few days will be in camp most of the time.

they actually gave us the option to stay out.. but considering the location of Seletar Camp and the amount to time needed for me to travel to and fro.. i have decided to stay in. well, i'm not alone anyway.. many are choosing to do so as well. not too bad.. at least we can chill in places near the camp, stay in camp for football or even just to chill and catch up with one another's lives.

feels as though today was the day before my enlistment. so into the life of civilian and now you are expected to head back to army life. the differences would be the amount of things to be brought in and the people whom i will be with for the duration. ohh wells, get to take a break from my internship stress as well. part exciting, part unwilling. time to get my fat lazy ass to exercise. until next time then, cheers.

Friday, July 8, 2016

undeserved help

i am happy where i am. not many people can say that about themselves these days. probably so due to the fact that they take things as they are without appreciating that they are there  or due to the fact that they choose to spear through life without pausing now and then for a rest. or due to the fact that they just don’t even want to care. be that as it may, i’m glad i’m able to say so today. of course, me being happy about where i am and what i have now does not mean i gave up striving. i still strive just with the motivation of me being happy with what i have and where i am now. 

the world is already a bad place to be in with all the bad news delivered across the globe day in day out. i’m just thankful for those who have been by my side no matter what. i’m just thankful for those who have not pushed me aside despite my flaws and short comings. i’m just thankful for those who have helped me through the path i’ve walked thus far.

help. it is something people exchange with another person, often without expecting much in return. to me, i see it as undeserved help. that is why i’m thankful for those help given along the way. personally, i think help is given undeservingly to people most of the time. mind you, the “people” here i talk about also includes me. that is human nature i presume. like i said, the world is already a bad place, hence we tend to choose graciousness and kindness. when encountering such a gesture, it would not kill to show appreciation because the person offering you this undeserved help chose to do so to you. he/she can offer it to anyone elsewhere but he/she chose you. the simplest thing one could return is a simple word of appreciation.

however, there are always those rotten apples that would choose to take all for granted, thinking all these help he/she is receiving or should receive is mandatory and hard earned or owed by the giver. in worse case, the receiver would even blurt sarcasm comments. like i mentioned before, i also believe in second chances. i would try understand your situation and what not initially but if things remain the same, such scorn can be a real turn off. i’m a little porcupine if such things happen consistently because of the fact that i was burnt quite a few years ago while busy being nice.

at that time, i did not pause to think about the situation much. i thought being nice, being yourself would be alright. turned out not. not everyone appreciates what you do. not everyone can be pleased. while you can be nice to everyone, there will not be guarantee that they will do the same back. in such cases, i’ve learned to pause and question my efforts. would i want to carry on doing what i’m doing and getting sarcastic remarks on the other end. or should i choose to ignore the person. after all, these are undeserved help anyway. well, good to ponder and good to act on it.. but i don’t want to rush into anything. just a period of thinking and questioning. for now.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


yes this is an update of my life.

well, today is my Friday. in fact, i'm having a mini break until two Mondays later from my internship. clearing off this Thursday and Friday. next week my "break" will be in reservist. not knowing what to expect really but like i mentioned before, i just look forward to meeting my NS buddies.

on a side note, i have managed to listen to the 13 volumes of Future World Music. decent pieces and definitely a group i would wish to continue to listen to. shall start to enjoy my "break". until next time then, cheers.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

the plan

yes this is an update of my life.

well, hello July. we are now officially into the second half of the year of 2016. yeah.. take a moment to let that sink into your head. i myself can hardly believe how time is speeding by day after day and week after week.. before i realised, i'll be ushering 2017 already. scary.

one more week to reservist. cannot really say i am prepared for it but neither can i say otherwise.. because i have really no idea the definition of being prepared for reservist. the one thing i know is me looking forward to hang out with the awesome people i met during my NS years and bonding for a week. they are the only reason i like NS. people. not the things you do really.. people are normally the ones that add value to NS life.

one more month to year 3. omg.. i am halfway through university. year 3 soon and of course there come the planning part.. something i do not really like since the start of university. planning for lectures. planning for tutorials. planning for timetable and what not.. all these hassle and troubles. each semester i hope for the same thing.. smoothness of the bidding and allocation process.

slightly less than a month left to the end of the internship. i have learned a lot from this experience so far for sure. hopefully i get to learn more and make this a really fulfilling summer experience. meantime, i must no forget to enjoy my remaining days of school break as well. until next time then, cheers.